I Sense This Was a Good Week

This week, we did journal entries on the five senses. I did editing on Disaster News including, making a new logo. I started a mythical creatures unit with James. I had a food project meeting, and we used the Project Wonder unit format to make a checklist. We came up with our goals and made ideas that went along with them. Our goals were and eco-friendly cafeteria, and an art wall

Week in Review-2\7\2020

This week we worked on a design challenge. I planned a map  with my table-mates where I created a new school. I built a cardboard playground and started working on a 3d school model online, and I have 4 classrooms done. I also completed my conference, where I chose my grade. I am working on a Vocabulary in Context unit, where I am working on level 2 (making connections). I created a quizlet, flashcards, answered the questions, and put definitions for the vocabulary. I did my CDT’s, or Classroom Diagnostic Test. It was uninteresting, but we all got mints, and got to read for a while. Next I plan to do an Author’s Purpose unit.